The Search at Northeon Forest


Years ago a young architect attached to his University's archaeological expeditions was impressed by the ideas of anagogic adepts he met in Asia. Later, while engaged as a foreign service engineer, he inquired further into the teachings of specific Asian mystics. Eventually, he became attached to an obscure band of Agents who, for centuries, have represented the common source and ascendant purposes underlying the provincial differences of middle and far eastern traditions. He actively retains this delicate connection. He also came into contact with Gurdjieff whose ideas became reflected in the patterns chosen for architect Beidler's part in the transmission of ascendant influences.


After a quarter century in Asia, Beidler returned to his tree farm in Pennsylvania where the forest terrain offered a fertile environment for what was to become The Search at Northeon Forest with adherents world wide. A core of hardy seekers now live in the colonial buildings at the edge of the forest. Assisted by a growing number of adherents they maintain the dynamics found stimulating for individual research beyond conventional expectations. Reality is to be found under the attractive, often disruptive, conditions of normal vocational and domestic activities when reinforced by influences from a reliable source. These influences are transmitted orally and by handwritten transcripts heard at periodic gatherings of intrepid seekers who comprise important links in the chain of forces generated worldwide.


Adherents, scattered in small bands, include farmers, Buddhists, janitors, Christians, doctors, Jews, waiters, architects, teachers, nurses, entrepreneurs, engineers, journalists, musicians, artists, writers, officials, taxi drivers, dish washers, horse trainers, salesmen, ministers, etc. Seeking an awareness of their own significance in a cosmic order they embark on an exploratory inner journey and begin to contend with what they find. Gradually they reach a deeper participation in a transformation from what is found to be a largely involuntary life denying reality, to a life affirming an involvement in a universal integer of ultimate stability. In time, individual realizations replace beliefs previously implanted.


The epic character of the Search - with emphasis given to intrinsic values - challenges those who have had little difficulty in meeting the ordinary demands of a responsible life and who have found no lasting meaning in mundane goals. The recommended practices tend to upset complacency and make adherents more aware of their actual condition. Seekers need their co-seekers support, somewhat like forest climbers on a rope. The Search attracts those who find that they must look for truth within themselves without overt distortion of the normal context of their daily lives.

Endless Search © 2004 Ian C MacFarlane